The Great Anglo-French White and Black Hound is a scenthound originally used to hunt wild boar and deer in large packs. They can endure difficult terrain with ease and have excellent noses for scenting game. This is one of the seven Anglo-French hound breeds – which essentially means their ancestors were mixes of French and Anglo (English) hounds combined to create an ideal hunting dog. The standard was written in 1957 at which point they were considered a purebred dog. These hounds need a job to do, specifically hunting, and for this reason they are not normally kept as solely companions. Without a chance to hunt they can become bored and very difficult to live with.
Anglo-French White and Blacks are a rare breed, not only in American but even in their home country of France. They are recognized by the UKC in the States however are rarely if ever seen. This is most likely due to their difficulty as being pets. Not only are most dog-owners not in a position to take a dog hunting, but the general public is not normally set up to house a pack of hounds or give them the tremendous amount of exercise that they need. These scenthounds were bred to have incredible stamina which is great in a hunting situation but can be a nightmare if kept in the city! This is definitely not an apartment dog!
The Anglo-French White and Black Hound is intelligent but has a persistent nature when it comes to anything having to do with hunting. This means that he is easily distracted by interesting scents making obedience training difficult. He is also independent-minded and not one for whom taking orders comes naturally. Potential owners should take note, as this is a long-lived hound which will require some degree of management and training his whole life (average lifespan is 12-14 years). Experienced owners are recommended for this large and stubborn brute!
White the Anglo-French White and Black can be gentle and friendly, this is not an overly demonstrative dog in terms of affection. Nor is it a breed known for its playfulness or, on the opposite spectrum, calmness. As might be expected from a hound bred so extensively for hunting, he puts his job before everything else. Add in the fact that he can be very loud, prone to wandering or escaping the property, and fully dependent upon a hunting lifestyle and it become apparent that this would be a horrible choice for a first-time dog owner! As this hound is also both strong-bodied and strong-willed, he shouldn’t be owned by an elderly or otherwise frail person.
Great Anglo-French White and Blacks are not the best family dogs when small children are around, but they are fine with older kids and extremely good with other dogs. In fact, having only one hound can cause issues as this breed practically requires dog companionship to be happy. It doesn’t need to be a dog of the same breed, or even the same size! Sex doesn’t normally matter either, as their super social nature makes them just as likely to bond with males and females alike. Like other scenthounds, cats or other small pets are not a great household combo because of their high prey drive. With strange people they can be aloof and wary at first, but will quickly become friendly once they warm up.
The Great Anglo-French White and Black Hound, despite the name, often has tan markings as well as the white and black patterning making this a tri-colored dog. Furthermore, blue ticking or roaning is also occasionally seen. Hounds can be seen either heavily marked (with a black blanket covering all of the back) or broken black patches across the body. The coat itself is short and dense, and sheds moderately. This is a beautiful hound that can thrive in right home and while making a fantastic hunting partner, but definitely has very specific requirements.