

The Kokoni


The Kokoni (or Small Greek Domestic Dog) is a tiny Greek breed with lots of heart and courage. Although his ancestors are ancient, it is only lately that he has been established as a standardized breed by the Kennel Club…

The Caravan Hound

Caravan Hound

Although he is occasionally considered to be the same breed as the Mudhol Hound, the Kennel Club of India recognizes the Caravan Hound as a separate and distinct breed. This is an ancient breed which is a close relative to…

The Alpine Dachsbracke

Alpine Dachsbracke

The Alpine Dachsbracke is a scenthound used for tracking wounded deer and hunting both hare and fox. He was at one point in history owned by German royalty. This Austrian breed dates back to the mid-19th century and was recognized…

The Brazilian Terrier

Brazilian Terrier

The Brazilian Terrier is one of two recognized dog breeds from Brazil. Most likely derived from Parson Russell Terriers and Smooth Fox Terriers (although their family tree is ultimately a mystery), they were employed to rid farmer’s crop fields of…

The Hygen Hound

Hygen Hound

The Hygen Hound is a scenthound from Norway. He got his name from his original creator Hans Hygen, who developed this breed in the 19th century. This hunting breed is known for his incredible stamina and ability to track and…

The Cimarron Uruguayo

Cimarron Uruguayo

The Cimarron Uruguayo is thought to be descended from dogs brought over to Uruguay by Spanish and Portuguese conquerors (possibly the Alano Espanol and similar breeds), which were later abandoned in huge numbers. These semi-feral dogs bred amongst themselves with…

The Shanxi Xigou

Shanxi Xigou

The Shanxi Xigou (prouncounced see-gow) is a rare Chinese sighthound whose ancestors date back thousands of years. In fact, drawings of similar dogs have been depicted on the walls of an ancient Qin Dynasty prince’s tomb as long as 2500…

The Sarplaninac


The Sarplaninac is a very old breed from the mountains of former Yugoslavia in southeast Europe. Originally recognized by the FCI in 1939 under the name Illyrian Shepherd Dog, this name was later changed to the current title, named after…

The Basset Artesien Normand

Basset Artesian Normand

The Basset Artesien Normand is an active hound with a cheery disposition and an overall social nature. With the general appearance of a more “fit” and streamlined Basset Hound, this is indeed a breed unto itself although the two do…

The Plummer Terrier

Plummer Terrier

The Plummer Terrier is, first and foremost, a working terrier bred to hunt rats in the UK. Created by the late Brian Plummer in the 1970’s, the breed is essentially a mix of early Jack Russell bloodlines crossed with Beagle,…