The Segugio Maremmano is a scenthound from the area of Maremma, in Tuscany Italy. Primarily used to track and hunt wild boar, they are also occasionally used to hunt other animals such as hare. An extremely rare breed in America, they are recognized by the Italian Kennel Club and are provisionally recognized by the FCI. In fact, despite their rareness in most of the world the breed is booming in their home country, in particular owned and appreciated by hunters. A large gene pool and many separate bloodlines means this breed should continue to remain healthy and genetically diverse for the foreseeable future. The average lifespan of this robust hound is 13-14 years, and there are no frequently-seen health issues as of yet.
Segugios are a medium-sized breed with a lot of energy. They need the type of owner that can get them out and exercise with them regularly. An ideal owner doesn’t necessarily need to do frequent grooming (the breed is low maintenance in that regard), but does need to be active and physically fit enough to keep up! The perfect home may or may not include kids and/or other dogs (this hound is friendly with both), and if either exists in the household, can also help in the exercising process – older kids and active dog playmates can make great exercise companions! In fact, another dog is highly recommended to keep this social hound company. When it comes to specific exercise – a game of ball is a fun way to work out in the backyard and a hike on the weekend is the perfect way to end a good week. Combine this with regular walks and doggie playtime with a canine companion and you’ll be set!
The intelligent Maremmano has a high capability to be trained and it is recommended to start young and to incorporate early socialization at the same time. This breed needs mental stimulation just as much as physical exercise and training is essential for healthy brain development. The Maremmano needs lots and lots of consistency, and an owner may need an extra bit of patience as the breed can also be extremely stubborn.
The Segugio Maremmano can come in one of two different coat types. Short haired is the most popular and commonly seen “variant”, although they also come in a rough haired variety. Either variety can appear in either fawn, black/tan or brindle coloration. The breed has triangular-shaped ears which hang to the side of the cheeks, a well-developed wide chest, and a tail that can be either long or docked about halfway down the tail (which is more frequently seen). They are smaller and less elegant in stature than their Italian cousin, the Italian Hound.
The Segugio is a very loyal dog that forms a strong bond with his owner. In Italy, it is more common for him to be owned by a hunter than strictly as a companion dog but he can make a fine companion when matched with the right household. He is not a dog for an apartment-dweller, both because of his loud hound voice which can bother close neighbors as well as his high exercise requirement. A home with a large yard is a much better situation for him! He also requires an owner who isn’t gone for long periods of time as he can become lonely without human interaction. Hunting dogs are used to working and engaging with their human counterparts as well as their fellow dog pack mates. They are social and not meant to be alone for long stretches of time.