The Polish Lowland Sheepdog

The Polish Lowland Sheepdog is a medium-sized herding breed with a sturdy frame. They are intelligent and active and will take on any task that is asked of them. They enjoy having a job to do and will work hard to please their owner. Not only obedient, they are also courageous and adaptable to whatever life throws at them. This breed is truly suited to a life in which they are able to engage their body and mind. Overseas, this breed is known as the Polski Owczarek Nizinny, or PON for short. PON is the official nickname for the breed here in America.

PONs are good-natured with all people, including children. Although they may be reserved with people that they don’t know, they are usually polite. That said, if a stranger is behaving aggressively they are capable of fulfilling the duty of guard dog. The breed is quite intuitive, so as long as they are socialized early in life they should behave appropriately in public. It should be noted, however, that their herding instinct can be strong. This means they may try to herd animals, moving objects and people – including children. While this is not aggressive behavior, very small kids can end up getting knocked over and hurt.

The coat of the Polish Lowland Sheepdog (which can come in any color) is his crowning glory but does require work. Some members of the breed need to be brushed every day while with others, this chore can be done about once a week. The frequency of brushing is dependent upon the quality and texture of the coat. Bathing is recommended every 4-6 weeks for a pet, while show dogs might be bathed as often as once a week. To keep their body in the same great condition of the coat, their food intake needs to be monitored as they can tend to overeat and become obese.

When it comes to training, the PON is very smart and has a great memory to boot. They are quite observant and therefore learn quickly, although some can have a stubborn streak. Others learn how to manipulate their owners, whether in a playful way or occasionally in a more dominating way, so it is necessary to always stay one step ahead of this clever herding breed! These things said, PONs are eager to please and take exceptionally well to obedience.

The breed needs to be exercised every day. Long walks, regular jogs and occasional hikes are great activities to keep the PON in good shape. Under-exercised PONs can become downright destructive, so it is very important that they have this outlet. Even well-exercised members of the breed are naturally mischievous, so one could imagine how much trouble a bored PON might be! As long as their physical and mental needs are met, they are capable of living in smaller quarters.

While Polish Lowland Sheepdogs are generally quiet in the house, they will bark when they hear sounds outside. They also may develop a barking problem if they are left home alone on a daily basis – this breed needs to live in a household where the owners are often at home. While some people can get away with this by providing a second dog as a companion, this strategy doesn’t work with all PONs. Polish Lowland Sheepdogs get along well with other well-behaved dogs, but that doesn’t mean they don’t also need plenty of human companionship and attention.

Polish Lowland Sheepdog

Photo By Jennie LundqvistBeltapar