
The Cairn Terrier
The Cairn Terrier was created in the Scottish Highlands, bred to flush rodents out of rock piles (called cairns) and…

The Cesky Terrier
The Cesky Terrier is a short-legged, soft-coated terrier breed designed to hunt in the fields as well as fulfill the…

The Chilean Terrier
The Chilean Terrier is the first official breed to come out of Chile. It is recognized by the Kennel Club…

The Dandie Dinmont Terrier
The Dandie Dinmont Terrier is the only breed of dog named after a fictional character. These proud, yet friendly terriers…

The Danish-Swedish Farmdog
The Danish-Swedish Farmdog is a biddable and alert little companion dog with a ton of vigor and spunk! This “big…

The Dutch Smoushond
The Dutch Smoushond was originally used on farms to rid the stables of vermin such as rats and mice. A…

The German Pinscher
The German Pinscher is not a small Doberman, nor an oversized Miniature Pinscher. Unlike the three sizes of Poodles –…

The Glen of Imaal Terrier
The Glen of Imaal Terrier was bred as a general farm dog and to get rid of vermin, however they…

The Irish Terrier
The Irish Terrier is one of the lesser-known breeds of the terrier group, and his fanciers know him as their…