The Neapolitan Mastiff

The Neapolitan Mastiff is unlike every other breed in terms of appearance and temperament. These ancient dogs were first used in Roman fighting games, and then were later employed to hunt wild boar and guard castles. The dogs needed a powerful stature in order to accomplish these tasks, which explains the breed’s massive frame. Today they make awe-inspiring home guardians who will protect their properties with courage and loyalty. Neos are not prone to wander – instead they tend to stay in their home turf and keep watch over their territory. Nevertheless, this isn’t a breed to keep outside all day and use as a “threat deterrent”. This owner-loving breed needs to spend time inside while being given training, structure and affection.

Like most guarding breeds, Neos are incredibly devoted and loyal to their families. Although they will bring down an enemy if needed, they should never behave aggressively toward their owners or anyone else who poses no threat. They should have steady temperaments, however they normally don’t like strangers coming into their personal space. This is not a dog who will appreciate being “surprise-hugged” by someone he doesn’t know. Keep in mind that the numerous loose wrinkles around the head gives him limited vision – any stranger coming up to say hello should do so from the front so the dog isn’t surprised. A normal reaction to a stranger is aloofness and slight wariness without being shy.

Neapolitan Mastiffs tend toward being dominant, which is fine as long as they don’t try to dominate any human members of the family. For a dog of this size, this could be a major problem! Some Neos are prone to jealousy issues (because they bond so strongly to their owners) and some are prone to being over-territorial. Obedience training is an absolute must with this breed, as well as socialization from an early age. Even if the dog never shows any dominant traits, a 150 pound dog can be stubborn and difficult to control if he has never been taught any manners or rules! Hence… obedience training. A common behavioral disorder often suffered by members of the breed is separation anxiety, although early training can help with this frustrating condition.

The Neo does not always get along well with other dogs, particularly dogs of the same sex. While they do best in single-dog households, some do ok with an opposite-sex friend but there are many factors to keep in mind. The age, temperament, and amount of previous socialization of each dog are particularly important. One may not know whether or not there will be a problem until the Neo reaches 2 or 3 years old. On the other hand, this giant breed can live easily with children, provided the child is slightly older and won’t get hurt if they are knocked over. Neos may be more wary of strange children coming over, just as they are wary of strange adults coming onto their territory. When children are involved, obedience training is even more important. Without rules or boundaries, the breed may become jealous having to share attention with a kid. Do not let this get out of control.

Neapolitan Mastiffs are prone to several health problems including heart disease, bloat, bone cancer, and chronic skin infections among others. While not every dog will inherit these disorders, a buyer is urged to do their research when looking for a puppy. Some Neos suffer from no health issues, while other only inherit a minor condition such as cherry eye. Either way, a prospective owner should have a health fund ready to go if any problems arise. This is in addition to the extra regular costs it will take to feed and take care of this giant breed. All Neos are prone to heat stroke. Care must be taken when they are outside on a hot day. Keep in mind, also, that the average lifespan for this molosser breed is only 7 years.

Some Neos are prone to chasing cats, bikes or even cars. This behavior can be dangerous and should be stopped right away. Consider if the dog needs more exercise and if this may be one of the contributing factors. Neapolitan Mastiffs should be walked once a day and/or given free running time in the yard. These dogs are not build for jogging, however, and should never be forced to run.

In general, Neapolitan Mastiffs are low-energy animals content to lay around and observe their world. When they fall asleep they often snore. Despite their often-lazy demeanor, they are very quick when they need to be! If they hear the sound of a person approaching they will be up and ready at a moment’s notice. As might be expected from such a massive dog, this can be a potential problem for furniture and breakable items in the dog’s way, particularly if the person lives in a small place. One other probable problem for owners who like a well-kept house… Neos drool quite a lot, and the slobber will end up everywhere! The breed also scatters food as they eat and drags mud across the floor on rainy days. Not the dog for a neat freak by any means!

Neapolitan Mastiff

Photo By user:przykuta


The Cane Corso

The Cane Corso is a powerful Italian molosser, originally bred to be a multi-purpose farm dog with an emphasis on guard duties. Large and muscular, this breed is just as strong as he looks. Furthermore, the Corso has a serious “no-nonsense” personality which requires an owner who knows what they are doing. It must be stressed that this dog is not for everyone, and certainly not for someone who wants to buy a dog to make themselves look tough! When raised right, he is loyal and dedicated to his owners but will retain suspicion with strangers. In the right hands, he makes an excellent protection dog. In the wrong hands, he can quickly become a liability.

Because the Corso is naturally protective, he must be socialized very extensively while young – exposing him to as many people, places and animals as possible. This will ensure that the dog will not be fearful or aggressive toward new things, as well as help the development of a stable personality. As one of the more primitive breeds of guard dog, they are very aware and sensitive to their surroundings. As the dog grows older, he will become more and more aloof with strangers (as compared to fearful). By their teenage stage, many will show protective traits at home (their territory) and when out and about with their family. Corsi (the plural of Corso is Corsi) tend to be indifferent to strange dogs unless that other dog comes onto their territory.

Cane Corsi, in general, get along very well with kids. As a sensitive breed, however, they should never be subjected to children that tease them. If the teasing goes on for a long enough time period, there is a possibility that they will eventually get fed up and respond defensively. All interactions should be supervised to ensure that everyone is playing nicely (both child and dog). The Corso does have a prey drive and might try to chase and grab a smaller child in play, and this should never be allowed. When it comes to living with other dogs, there is a variability in the breed. Many do not do well living with another member of the same sex so an opposite-sex pair has a much better chance of working out.

As a working breed, the Corso must have a job in order to stay mentally sound. There are a number of different jobs that can be chosen for the dog, such as pulling a cart, tracking and/or protection sports – something for the dog to occupy both his body and mind. Just dropping the dog off at doggie daycare will not cut it, the key word is “work”! Dogs that are not given this important necessity will get bored and become destructive. Massive hole digging, eating up furniture, and the dangerous past-time of fence fighting with neighboring dogs are common ways in which Corsi will vent their frustration. Some will become unruly barkers which can be problematic for people with neighbors.

Many jobs involve some amount of training – either to teach the dog how to do the job, or to direct the dog while on the job. Whether or not their chosen job requires special training, basic obedience should always be taught as well. While all dogs need training, powerful breeds with assertive temperaments need it the most (like the Cane Corso). Along with formal obedience training and job-specific training, a set of household rules must be enforced at all times, lest the dog become the dominant member of the household. Luckily, most Corsi love to please their owners and take very well to obedience. The breed has a level head and calm demeanor when learning new things. Because they are very intelligent, it is recommended to start the training while they are still young and easier to physically manage. Corsi are also known for having great attention span, as well as an amazing ability to retain information for long periods of time.

Corsi were bred to work in the company of people and therefore make terrible outside-only dogs. They can be left alone for reasonable amounts of time but should never be left by themselves for 10 hours stretches of time on a regular basis. The breed has been known to develop the frustrating condition of separation anxiety. They are happiest when spending time with their owners, and will calmly stay by their human’s side for hours at a time. This is not a breed that is overly demonstrative of their affection, instead preferring to show their loyalty quietly and calmly. The Cane Corso has, in fact, a very sensitive soul. Most are empathetic to their owners’ emotions and will share in the moods of “their person”.

Despite their short coat, the Corso does shed moderately. This is because the coat is double, rather than single – meaning that the undercoat will come out in chunks when it gets loose. This is only a minor inconvenience for most, and usually off-set by the fact that grooming in general is very easy. Dogs that are brushed regularly (1-3 times a week) will not shed as much because the brush will pull the hair out rather than it falling out on its own.

Corsi need daily exercise to stay fit, with many breeders recommending an average of two miles a day. Walking or jogging (even bicycling) is often adequate, but other forms of exercise are great as well! Some members of the Mastiff family require much less of a workout than this breed, making the Corso a bigger time commitment than many of his cousins. This athletic canine, while fairly active outdoors, is much calmer inside the house however.

Being a large dog, the Corso does tend to eat a lot. A potential owner must consider the cost of owning a large breed, including bigger food bills and bigger vet bills. Hip dysplasia in particular is known to affect the breed, which will involve a costly procedure to fix. A smart owner will buy a puppy from parents who have been cleared of hip dysplasia themselves, in order to cut down the chances of the puppy inheriting it.

Cane Corso

Photo By Kumarrrr


The Standard Schnauzer

The Standard Schnauzer, despite being the oldest of the 3 Schnauzer breeds, is also the least known. Devotees of the breed consider him their “best kept secret”. These medium-sized guard dogs are ever-vigilant yet make great companions. They are sociable with people and enjoy clowning around when the mood is right, but will stay steadfast and ready for any challenges that come their way. They are true working dogs that thrive on being given tasks and jobs.

The wiry coat of the Standard does not shed but he does require regular upkeep. He needs to be hand stripped every 4-6 months in order to retain the classic appearance of the breed. Simply shaving the dog down will not do, and will cause the coat to get soft and the color to become dull. The beard and furnishings need to be kept combed out. Many people with dog allergies find that they are not allergic to Standards, but (as always) YMMV.

Standards Schnauzers are active and intelligent – traits that make them great for owners who are willing to work them. Although they can take the sole role of family companion, the breed really thrives when given something to do. If they live a particularly boring existence, their sharp minds will start coming up with games and puzzles they can play by themselves – which will often result in destructive outcomes. Insatiably curious, they need homes where their mental states will be nurtured rather than stifled. The thing to remember is that the breed is very adaptable to many different living situations, but can really thrive when given the right living conditions.

Standards are incredibly clever and are fast learners, but they are also well-known for a certain stubbornness as well. They possess a great deal of self-respect and require that training be fair. If they are ever treated harshly, they will remember and won’t easily forgive. Obedience training is a necessity as they can be prone to dominant behavior if allowed to get away with whatever they want. Training needs to be firm, but fair.

As might be expected from a breed known for its guarding ability, Standard Schnuazers can be very territorial. Every person that comes to the home will hear the deep bark of the dog inside, and will only be allowed in as long as the owner says it’s ok. Most fanciers of the breed love the fact that these dogs sound much bigger than they are. Their medium size makes them easier to manage than larger counterparts, but a stranger standing outside will assume from the bark that they are very large! If an intruder tried to break in, this fearless breed will not hesitate to defend the home and family.

Standards can live with small children as well as small pets such as cats (when they are raised with them). They shouldn’t be kept around “pocket pets” such as mice or rats unless the small animals are securely caged – rat catching is in their genes. They will also go after squirrels, gophers and other outdoor rodents (and will dig up your garden to unearth them). The Standard is not normally recommended for first-time dog owners, mainly because they are a high-intensity breed with minds of their own and a tendency towards dominant behavior. When not given proper training, they can be cat-chasers and dog-bullyers. Some can be escape artists.

The Standard Schnauzer is an active breed with high energy. They need a lot of exercise to stay fit and keep their mind in peak condition. Walking three miles a day with the dog would not be considered too much, whether all at once or split up throughout the day. They are definitely not couch potatoes, and even when relaxing will usually “keep one eye always open”. This alertness is one of the reasons they excel as guard dogs.

Standard Schnauzer

Photo By Madwren


The Tibetan Mastiff

The Tibetan Mastiff is a powerful breed that is still quite primitive – two traits that make him unfit for a novice owner. Slow to mature, they require heaps of socialization and training to ensure that they mature into the loyal dogs they were meant to be, rather than a liability waiting to happen. While relatively inactive indoors, they have a lot of energy to expend in the backyard, especially in the morning and evening hours. Their temperament combines the independence of a cat with the brawny protectiveness of the molosser breed that they are.

Bred to be guardian dogs, TMs are happiest when they have something to protect. They prefer to spend time both outdoors (where they can see their whole property) as well as inside with the family. They have a medium-high energy outside but a low energy when indoors. They will bark whenever they they feel something is amiss and are particularly known for being “night barkers” (when outside). Their territoriality also means that owners may have trouble letting anyone on their property – including their friends. This is why it is so important that Tibetan Mastiffs are trained and socialized early! Ultimately, while these traits can be disastrous in the wrong situation, they are excellent home protection dogs for those who can handle them.

The magnificent coat is one of the hallmarks of the breed. Tibetan Mastiffs have thick double coats that form a mane around their head, and that coat only tends to shed once a year. When they shed, however… they really shed! Your house will be covered in hair for about 8 weeks during their “big shed” and they need to be brushed constantly in order to help pull out the dead hair. Other than the shedding, TMs are generally very clean dogs and their hair is dirt-resistant. Some people with dog allergies find that they are not allergic to Tibetan Mastiffs, although this is not the case with all allergy sufferers.

Tibetan Mastiffs are highly intelligent, yet independent. They were bred to make decisions on their own. This means that they are not “push-button obedience dogs” but they are very capable of being trained. In fact, they are often fast learners! The problem comes when they do not feel like working, as they tend towards stubbornness. It is up to the owner to make sure that the dog still follows the command. If commands are rarely enforced, the owners will inadvertently teach the TM that rules have no real backing, which then signals the dog that he needs to make the rules instead. In a breed this large and powerful, rules and boundaries are essential.

The breed is patient with family children, but it is important that the kids be considerate of the dog. TMs may be more wary of strange children, in the same way that they are cautious and reserved with strange adults. When it comes to other dogs, Tibetan Mastiffs tend to act dominant to dogs they have just met. Many also display same-sex aggression. They can live harmoniously with other dogs but careful and proper introductions are necessary. If living with a dog of the same sex, there is a better outcome if the other dog is smaller than the TM. Tibetans often are great with cats and other small animals as long as they are raised with them, and as long as the animals are inside (outside, all bets are off).

Tibetan Mastiffs do not make good apartment dogs even if they are given extra exercise. The breed really needs a yard in which to stretch out and explore. As such, even a small yard is usually not enough. When outside, they should be kept in a securely fenced yard to keep them from roaming. Dogs who roam are at risk for claiming more and more territory, and then acting aggressively when an “intruder” tries to come near. Guarding the house or the yard is one thing… guarding the street is another. Some Tibetans are skilled at climbing chain link fences, so a solid wood fence is recommended. Taking the dog out for regular walks will help to satiate his curiosity about the outside world, but he should always be taken out on a leash.

Despite their tough appearance, the breed is actually very sensitive to the emotions of their owners and they do not like to be around fighting or chaos in general. Tibetan Mastiffs exposed to constant stress may become picky eaters. When the energy of the house is calm, they reflect the same mellow vibe (their natural disposition). TMs are also sensitive to change and thrive on routine schedules.

When young (particularly the first 2-3 years), many Tibetan Mastiffs can be very destructive. Those big mouths can chew through wood (including doors), fencing and furniture! This tends to happen in dogs that are bored or under-stimulated but may also happen “just for fun”. Strong jaws plus a huge frame means that TMs can do more damage in a shorter period of time than a smaller breed. This breed also delights in digging craters in the yard.

Tibetan Mastiff Hays county

Photo By Tibetan Paradise


The Doberman Pinscher

The Doberman Pinscher is a highly versatile breed that functions as both a working dog and companion. They excel in a wide variety of tasks and need to be in homes where they are given jobs to do. Given those outlets, they make exceptional family pets. Dobes are incredibly loyal and obedient – they also prefer being with their people at all times (a true velcro breed). When well-bred and well-trained they are one of the best breeds when it comes to personal protection – fully capable of distinguishing a threat from a non-threat. With brains, beauty, courage, love, and even a good sense of humor – they have it all!

Dobes are often near the top of the list when it comes to intelligence. While they can be trained quickly, they retain the ability to think on their own and make decisions. They are also incredibly perceptive and intuitive, sometimes making it seem as though they can read minds! The Doberman is one of those breeds that needs a job to do – without regular obedience training they can become destructive. They need some form of training every day, even if it’s only a 10 minute session.

Like any breed, the Doberman isn’t for everyone, however. They require an owner who knows how to take charge and set boundaries. Without rules, a Dobe might assume the role of leader himself. Their acute sensitivity means that they also should only be owned by level-headed people – they don’t mesh well in homes with explosive personalities or chaos. Finally, these athletic dogs need someone who can provide them with plenty of outdoor exercise – just throwing them in the backyard is far from ideal. They need to get out and really run or jog every day. Even with exercise, they tend to have a medium-high activity level in the house, and when young will constantly get into everything.

Coming in four official colors, it is worth mentioning the unofficial fifth. The white Doberman, while sometimes sold to unsuspecting buyers as a “rare and special color”, is in fact an albino suffering from the same health conditions of other albino animals. Eye problems, skin problems, tumors and temperament issues are all associated with this mutation color. The Doberman Pinscher Club of America urges buyers not to fall into the scam of buying a white puppy simply because it is being touted as rare.

Supremely trustworthy when raised right, Dobermans are great with children, although might be too exuberant for very small kids. It is important however (especially if one has kids) to research the breeder of the dog before acquiring a puppy. Although most Dobes have rock-solid temperaments, not all of them do. The more popular the breed, the more there are unscrupulous breeders. This means that some people are breeding to make money and nothing else. They aren’t health testing or temperament testing their dogs, which often leads to heartache for the buyers later on. A good breeder often exhibits their dogs in conformation (dog shows), obedience or other events. They can provide health test results and sometimes even temperament tests results. They want to each puppy to end up in the best home possible.

Dobes are not outside-only dogs and need to be given plenty of house access. They should also be provided with plenty of soft blankets and/or dog beds to lay in to keep from getting pressure sores on their elbows and other joints. For the most part, however, they are very hardy dogs and don’t need intense pampering. Their biggest requirement comes in the form of mental and physical exercise, as well as giving them enough love and affection.

Doberman Pinscher

Photo By pato garza


The Bernese Mountain Dog

The Bernese Mountain Dog was bred to be an all-purpose farm dog in Switzerland, and they are still incredibly versatile and hard-working. They are affectionate, good-natured family dogs with a protective (though not aggressive) nature. Shyness does run in some lines, so it is essential to socialize them early. Even though they are large in size they are patient and gentle with children and other pets.When raised properly and given plenty of early socialization, they can do almost anything!

Berners (as they are affectionately called) are fairly quiet housedogs – they generally only get noisy if they’ve been left alone for long periods of time. Because they are prone to separation anxiety, they don’t like to be home alone all day. Instead, they enjoy a household where they can be social, active and constantly close by (they like to be in the same room where they can observe their people, but don’t tend to obnoxiously get in the way). In the right situation, they thrive – becoming one of the greatest companions an owner could ask for. In the wrong situation (such as being tied outside all day or left to their own devices alone in the house)… they could develop all manner of behavioral disorders.

The Berner is fairly active and does need to get out to exercise daily. Letting them out into a small yard is definitely not enough! They require at least 30 minutes of moderately high activity, although there is variation in the breed. Likewise, younger individuals have more energy to burn while mature adults will be a little more laid-back. As cold-weather dogs, they prefer to exercise in cooler weather so early mornings and late evenings provide the best temperatures. This said, they can go on a jog in the afternoon on a milder day as long as they are monitored. Their thick, mostly black coats make them more susceptible to heat stroke than some other breeds.

Some Bernese Mountain Dogs enjoy digging in the yard. If this isn’t ok, be prepared to spend some time working on behavior modification to stop this! Digging may also indicate that the dog isn’t getting enough mental and physical activity. This breed was made to work, and there are a myriad of fun competitions and activities to participate in which would fulfill that need – obedience, tracking, agility, herding, therapy work… all of which Berners excel in! Their strong body also means they are exceptional at pulling carts – which is a dog sport called “draft work”. This is one of their original purposes and is an activity that they love! 

As a double coated breed, the Bernese Mountain Dog does shed quite a bit. If you own one of these dogs, you no doubt find yourself vacuuming on a regular basis! While their coat shouldn’t be difficult to maintain, the work might be lengthy. Keeping a Berner brushed and bathed on a regular basis will help the chore go quicker than if one were to wait until the coat was dirty and full of mats. Speaking of grooming and cleanliness – while the breed isn’t supposed to drool, some individuals do.

Unfortunately, these large dogs don’t have a particularly long lifespan. Seven to eight years old is the norm, although some live closer to ten. Cancer, bloat, and other health problems are concerns worth considering. Many people find that the short time spent with the dog doesn’t matter because they are able to do so many activities and get a lot of enjoyment out of the time spent together. Either way, it is something worth considering if one were contemplating getting a Berner.

The Bernese Mountain Dog is intelligent, sensitive and loves to please his owner! Many take very well to obedience training, although some are almost too clever for their own good and will look for shortcuts to the commands. Others are a bit more stubborn and may require extra patience when training. If the dog doesn’t respect the trainer or owner… they won’t want to do obedience at all.

The Bulldog

The Bulldog is one of the most recognizable breeds of dogs and garners attention wherever he goes. They can be dignified when they feel like it but are also known for being silly. They are also very courageous – a throwback to when they were bred to square off against bulls and fight other dogs. While the Bulldog of the past was actually quite an aggressive animal, breeders have worked hard to quell that aggression and insert a docile and sweet nature in its place. Today, the breed makes a great family companion and gets along well with kids and other pets. As an added bonus, they tend to be quiet (aside from snoring and snorting).

Although short to the ground, the Bulldog is surprisingly heavy. The massive frame is one of their most recognizable features, along with their underbite and their front-heavy body. Weighing as much as 50-60 pounds, the breed can be difficult to pick up by small humans. Training them to walk up and down a ramp can be a valuable skill to teach – not only convenient for the owner’s back but potentially life-saving for the dog.

Bulldogs are not a very active breed (napping is a favorite activity), therefore they make great apartment dogs. This said, they do appreciate limited exercise. Getting out and walking in the fresh air is a great bonding event for both dog and owner. Just make sure to walk only when the weather is cooler (which might mean mornings or evenings) as Bulldogs are prone to overheating. The breed is so affected by the heat and humidity, in fact, that giving him regular outdoor access to a kiddie pool is not a bad idea. A few inches of cool water is all that he needs in order to cool down on a hot day – never throw him into a big pool as he can’t swim very well.

Because of their low energy and docile temperament, the Bulldog makes a great “starter dog” for an owner who has never before owned a dog. They are affectionate without being overwhelming, and not particularly demanding. That said, they do have more health risks than some other breeds which means that they aren’t a good match for someone with little money. Vet bills have the potential for being higher and while many Bulldogs never develop any serious health conditions – others can end up needing costly treatments. Health issues include anything from allergies and skin issues to hip dysplasia and respiratory problems. Some dogs have sleep apnea, some have digestive issues… while others are completely fine.

Drooling is another concern for some people… the breed can get messy around the lip area. Otherwise they are generally clean and have an easy-care coat. It’s important to watch their food intake to keep them from getting fat. Although they are naturally heavy-set, they should never be so massive that they can barely walk. The extra weight will put unneccessary strain on their joints, and this breed is prone to joint issues as it is.

Bulldogs aren’t known for being easy to train. In fact, they are renowned for their stubbornness! They can also be difficult to motivate – you can’t train a dog by promising him a nap afterward. Despite these roadblocks, the breed can be taught obedience as long as the owner is patient and understanding. Once the dog has learned the command, he isn’t prone to forgetting it – it’s usually just dependent upon his mood as to whether he chooses to perform it! A good trainer must be able to work the dog through these stubborn phases and teach him that obedience is fun, yet not optional.

Despite their intimidating looks, Bulldogs are one of the friendliest dog breeds around. Because they love people so much, they enjoy meeting guests that come over to the house. They can be very social butterflies and often don’t mind a party! As such, they don’t usually make the most suitable guard dogs (although some make decent watch dogs, and others will come to their owners’ aid in an actual emergency).

The Newfoundland

The Newfoundland is a large, strong dog who is surprisingly active for his size. A working breed through and through, Newfs excel in water rescue, carting and weight pulling but can do most jobs asked of them. Surprisingly however, these utilitarian dogs can still live in apartments if given enough exercise. Devotees of the breed also appreciate them for their level-headedness and extremely gentle nature towards all humans young and old. They possess a sensitivity to emotions that is not seen in all breeds of dog. Devoted and loyal, they truly are gentle giants in every sense of the word.

There have been countless stories telling of the heroic acts of Newfoundlands. There is a reason that the breed is touted as a natural lifeguard – they will risk their lives for their owners (and even strangers). This said, there is a natural variation in temperament and people who are looking for this “true” temperament need to get a dog from a reputable breeder and raise it right. You can’t expect to buy a Newf from a pet store (read: puppy mill) and leave it in the yard all day while still expecting the puppy to grow up right.

The thick double coat of the Newfoundland makes him a great swimmer, although it can be a chore to groom. Not only does the breed have a lot of hair to brush on a regular basis, but the oily nature of the coat means that water doesn’t easily penetrate to the skin. This can make bathing the dog more difficult than other breeds. The thick coat also means that the breed can overheat on hot days, especially if the Newf is black in color. This said, the Newfoundland can be kept in Texas, but the coat must be kept combed out so the undercoat can act as insulation from the heat. Finally, the coat does shed a lot!

Although this is a great breed, prospective owners should be aware of the drawbacks of owning one. First, Newfs do drool, despite the fact that some breeders claim otherwise. While some lines drool less than others, the natural shape of the lips causes this process to happen naturally. Second, Newfs can be expensive to own – the larger the dogs, the higher the cost of vet and food bills. Third, Newfoundland tails are at the perfect level to clear coffee tables! Forth, it is worth noting that although many Newfs are very healthy, hip dysplasia, heart problems and other health issues are a concern.

Although a member of the molosser (mastiff) family, the Newfoundland is not a natural guard dog, or even watch dog. While some individuals have a (little bit of) protective instinct, the majority love people too much to be a personal security dog. Their size alone might deter most people, but if someone were to actually break into the house, there is little chance of the dog doing anything. Just as he loves people, the Newf also loves other dogs and tends to get along just fine with other members of the species.

Very intelligent, the Newfoundland is generally easy to train. He is always ready and willing to learn something new, and there is almost no limit to the many dog sports and activities that he can be taught. The breed is incredibly versatile and has done well in many aspects of the competitive dog training world. It is suggested to start the training early, however – before he gets so big that he is hard to handle!

Although he doesn’t look it, this breed is an athlete and needs to be exercised regularly. While the Newfoundland isn’t nearly as intense energetically as some other breeds, he isn’t a couch potato either. His energy levels lay somewhere in the middle, which means that every day he should be taken out and given some form of physical exertion. Swimming is his favorite activity, but he’ll do most anything if it’s with his beloved owner. Take care not to over-exercise growing puppies, as their joints aren’t fully formed yet.


Photo By SKern at the German language Wikipedia


The Boerboel

The Boerboel is a powerhouse of a dog – impressively large and strong. They possess a fearless nature and are naturally protective, although they should never be needlessly aggressive unless a real threat arises. When meeting strangers, some are reserved while others are very enthusiastic to greet the new person. Individual temperaments, as well as the quality of early socialization, will play a role in how the dog reacts. The breed is loyal and loving to their families, and need to live inside and be a part of the “family pack”. Under-socialized Boerboels, or ones which are left by themselves (or outside) for a majority of the day will often get depressed and then destructive.

The Boerboel is intelligent and require strict obedience to keep his naturally dominant personality in check. As puppies, they are very easy to live with and can trick people into thinking that they need no obedience training at all… nothing could be further from the truth. As he grows, he will become more willful and may become more reactive. His guarding instinct will begin to take hold in early adolescence. If one waits until the dog is older, they are now dealing with a very big dog who is much harder to control! Thankfully the Boerboel takes very well to training. As a utility farm dog bred down in South Africa, he was tasked with all manner of jobs, and today he is happy and enthusiastic to work!

Puppies should be socialized from a very early age and exposed to as many sights, scents and sounds as possible. This will get them off on the right start! Be cautious about which new dogs you introduce your young puppy to… if the older dog responds in an aggressive way, the Boerboel may hold onto this memory as he grows up and might show aggression towards other dogs in the future. Either way, the Boerboel is not normally a good candidate for dog parks, especially when he is older. Being dominant himself, he does not respond well to other dogs displaying domineering behaviors. It is much better to introduce him to dogs who have already been pre-screened by the owner, in a safe and secure manner.

Boerboels are usually very good with children, and also do well with cats and even large livestock. They will keep away wild animals, which is an extra plus for those living with livestock such as sheep or goats. They normally have no problems when new individuals are added to the family (whether human or animal), as long as the introductions are done with care. When it comes to other dogs, it is generally safer to have opposite sex pairs so that there is less of a chance of household fighting.

Those looking to own a Boerboel should ideally already have experience raising large breeds. This is not a typical Lab or Golden Retriever – this is a very powerful breed that will very likely challenge their owner at one point or another (especially if the rules of the house are lacking). Experience with molosser breeds and/or dominant breeds is highly recommended. A prospective owner should also be aware that these large dogs eat a lot and will cost much more to take care of than many other breeds. Both food bills as well as vet bills may be higher. Boerboel owners also must make sure that they have a vehicle big enough to transport the dog when it comes time to go to the vet or on any other excursion!

As tough of an exterior as these guys have, they actually possess a very sensitive nature. It is common for them to become in-tune with the moods and emotions of their owner. This is only one of the many traits which makes them adored by their devoted followers. The breed has less desirable traits as well – Boerboels do shed… and snore… and fart… and drool. Living with a Boerboel doesn’t only mean living with a powerful bodyguard, it also means living with a sensitive animal who will prove himself very human-like in many different ways.

The Bullmastiff

The Bullmastiff was developed to keep poachers off the land of large estates. He wasn’t bred to maul the poachers, however he would track them down and hold them until owners (or the police) could deal with the situation. As such, this is an extremely strong, confident dog who should only be kept by an experienced owner. Those that do own this breed will attest to their unwavering loyalty and gentle nature toward even the smallest family members. However, anyone that wants to do the Bullmastiff’s family harm will be met with a force to be reckoned with.

Unlike some other guard dog breeds, the Bullmastiff is very laid-back in the home and doesn’t bark unnecessarily. He will not put on “a show” of aggression when people walk up the driveway or knock on the door. In fact, aside from their intimidating looks and massive frame, they act more the part of cuddly family companion than they do as deterrent. The patient and affectionate nature of the Bullmastiff is not an act at all. They love their families so much that they would defend them, to the death, if need be. This is worth mentioning, because most owners actually want a dog who will make a big show to scare away potential-baddies, whether or not the dog will actually back it up. The Bullmastiff is almost the opposite of this, and the owner better be prepared if/when the dog DOES back it up. These dogs can be liabilities in the wrong hands.

Independent thinkers, the Bullmastiff is not a push-button obedience dog but this doesn’t mean they cannot be trained. Some will fake being dumb to try to get out of training! Do not fall for this act – this is a breed that absolutely must have training! Untrained members of the breed are prone to dominance issues and will try to take over the household. It is not recommended to let a powerful, 130 pound dog make the rules. As strong-willed as they are, every owner must be stronger-willed.

The Bullmastiff is not a difficult dog to take care of. His coat requires very little brushing and even less frequent bathing. He doesn’t require a lot of exercise, and is not particularly active aside from following his owner from room to room. He can be kept as easily in an apartment as in a large house, although he will need to be walked a couple of times daily if he doesn’t have access to a yard. These things said, if you own a house, he should never be a backyard-only dog. A Bullmastiff that doesn’t live with inside with the family is prone to develop major behavioral problems, including aggression issues. One of the biggest considerations of owning one of these dogs (besides the obvious commitment to training) is the cost – their larger size also means larger food and vet bills.

Clean freaks beware – the somewhat pendulous lips of the Bullmastiff means that he is a drooler. He will also happily douse your clothes in water after drinking.  In addition, the shape of the head makes this breed more likely to snore. Oh… and did we mention that the breed can be prone to gassiness?

Because they love their people so much, they would prefer that their owner be home all of the time. Bullmastiffs prefer to be touching their owner at all times – a paw up against their human’s leg or large head resting on a lap. This said, they are capable of being home alone without too much fuss. They were bred to guard huge estates fairly independently and won’t expect 24/7 companionship.

Although they are excellent companions for children, they can sometimes be aggressive with other dogs – particularly if they haven’t been socialized. Dogs of the same sex are more likely to have problems with each other. If one is thinking about owning two Bullmastiffs, it is recommended to go with a male and a female for best results. They can get along well with cats, although some are more prey-driven than others. Once again, socialization is important in this aspect.


Photo By Eran Finkle