The Black and Tan Coonhound

The Black and Tan Coonhound is a large American scenthound with an easygoing personality. He can adapt to many different living situations although still requires enough exercise and care to suit his needs. Friendly and gentle with children and other pets, he is almost always in a state of happiness. Would-be owners need to be aware, however, that he takes a long time to mature and will act like a puppy for the first several years. adolescent dogs can be destructive and frustrating to live with for many people, but when you take into account that this breed can get up to 75 pounds, it’s easy to see the difficulty.

The Black & Tan is not a natural in obedience due to his independent nature, but he can be trained. As with all dog training, it is important to figure out what motivates each dog and use that to your advantage. Staying animated yourself will go a long way for many Black & Tans – if you are interesting, the game of obedience will be interesting as well! Once trained, this breed will most likely try to put their own spin on the commands.

These hounds are able to live either inside with the family or be kept as outdoor dogs in a safely fenced area. Either way, however, they need to be given enough exercise to thrive. Dogs who live outside should still be taken on walks, and there are two reasons for this. Number one: many dogs do not take advantage of their yard to fully exercise themselves, instead opting to walk around a bit and then lay down in the shade. Number two: dogs are social creatures and need human companionship and structure. Ideally, the Black & Tan would be taken on hunting expeditions so he could perform his original job of treeing raccoons!

Although capable of being outdoor dogs, most Black and Tan Coonhounds much prefer to be inside with the family and access to the couch! The breed appreciates comfort and warmth and is just as likely to curl up in a blanket as he is to steal your bed. He is not overly active and tends to nap and relax with the best of them (provided exercise needs are met, of course). Despite his easygoing nature, however, he is always up to go on a car trip and/or hike with his owner.

The short coat of the Black & Tan makes him very easy to care for, although his long ears need regular cleanings. The coat has a slightly oily texture to it, which is natural for the breed. They do also have a tendency to drool, so although they are easy to groom they might not be best for clean freaks.

Like most scenthounds, the Black & Tan has a high prey drive and will chase smaller animals. If the animal is able to get up into a tree, the Black & Tan will stay put underneath the tree and use his loud voice to alert you that he’s done his job! This can be troublesome both for the chasing part, and the barking part – prospective owners need to be aware that these traits are part of the breed.

Black and Tan Coonhound

Photo By Scraig at the English language Wikipedia