

The Dogue Brasileiro

The Dogue Brasileiro, also known as the Brazilian Bull Boxer, was created in Brazil by a man named Pedro Dantas. Pedro was a longtime breeder of the Bull Terrier but felt they were becoming “too decorative” and were losing their…

The National Deerhound

The National Deerhound (AKA the Veadeiro Nacional) is a sighthound from Brazil that used to be common in that country, although is now extremely rare. Developed in the 16th century when Europeans began to step foot in Brazil – the…

The Chinese Red Dog

The Chinese Red Dog, or Laizhou Hong as it is known in China, is a rare breed that is recognized by the Chinese Kennel Union but is virtually unknown outside of the country. Although there is a breed club based…

The Pampas Deerhound

The Pampas Deerhound is a sighthound from Brazil, and has been recognized by the kennel club in that country (Brazilian Confederation of Cynophilia) since the year 2000. Although his origins are unknown, there are numerous theories about his history and…

The Tatra Hound

The Tatra Hound is a new breed which has been developed to fulfill the changing requirements for hunting dogs in Slovakia. As hunting grounds are no longer as big as they used to be, demand has risen for hounds which…

The Greek White Shepherd

The Greek White Shepherd is a Livestock Guardian Dog with a sensitive and loving nature towards humans and other animals alike. Although some assume it is just a color variation of the Greek Shepherd, there are clear differences in both…

The Valdueza

The Valdueza (AKA the Perro Montero Valdueza) is a pack-hunting hound breed from Spain that began in the 1940’s. Breeders mixed the Podencos Campanero (a subtype of the Podenco Andaluz) with the Spanish Mastiff and later added in the Grand…

The Mucuchies

The Mucuchies hails from the mountains of Venezuala, where it is the only dog breed native to the country. Descendants of the dogs brought by Spanish Conquistadors in the 1500s and 1600s – their early heritage probably consisted of Pyrenean…

The Galician Shepherd

The Galician Shepherd, AKA the Can de Palleiro, gets his name from the “palleiros” (haystacks) that he would traditionally sleep on while working the farms. In fact, “haystack dog” is a common nickname for this breed commonly used for herding…

The Segugio dell’Appennino

The Segugio dell’Appennino is of ancient origin, yet is a rare breed that has yet to gain full recognition in the United States. The standard was approved by ENCI (Italy’s kennel club) in 2005, full recognition by the club was…