

The Griffon Bleu de Gascogne

Griffon Bleu de Gascogne

The Griffon Bleu de Gascogne is one of four ancient Bleu de Gascogne breeds. All hailing from France, the Griffon is the wirehaired breed of the bunch. Like his cousins, he sports a speckled blue coat although the overall look…

The Japanese Akitainu

Japanese Akita

The Japanese Akitainu is the “original”Akita dog. In most parts of the world aside from the USA and Canada, the Akita has split into two separate breeds – the Japanese Akita and the American Akita. Here in the U.S., the…

The Japanese Terrier

Japanese Terrier

The Japanese Terrier became a breed around the 1930’s and originated from Smooth Fox Terriers, small pointing breeds and native Japanese breeds. This is a toy terrier breed, with more of an emphasis on the “toy” than the terrier because…

The Barbado da Terceira

Barbado da Terciera

The Barbado da Terceira is a rare herding breed, just barely accepted into AKC’s FSS program. “Barbado” means bearded and Terceira is one of the islands of Azores, Portugal – their place of origin. This sprightly and active breed can…

The Alaskan Klee Kai

Alaskan Klee Kai

Alaskan Klee Kai are said to be “Alaskan Huskies in miniature”. Unlike Alaskan Huskies, however, this is a purebred dog that has been around since the 1980’s and is currently recognized by the UKC as well as AKC’s FSS program.…

The Braque Saint Germain

Braque Saint-Germain

The Braque Saint Germain is a pointing breed, created by combining the (English) Pointer and continental pointing breeds. This is an old French breed developed in the early 1800’s, and are fairly versatile as they are able to point, flush…

The Poitevin


The Poitevin is a French scenthound breed originally created as a wolf-hunter in the 17th century. Large, smooth-coated and most often tricolor, he is similar to many other scenthounds – particularly Foxhounds and Coonhounds – but is a breed unto…

The Pont-Audemer Spaniel

Epagneul Pont-Audemer

The Pont-Audemer Spaniel is, and always has been, a rare breed. Being so low in numbers, the national breed club in France merged with the club for Picardy Spaniels (as well as the Blue Picardy), in hopes of keeping the…

The Austrian Pinscher

Austrian Pinscher

The Austrian Pinscher was formally recognized in 1928, however the ancestors of this utilitarian breed go back much further and were likely were the base of all pinscher and schnauzer breeds. Although still not recognized by the AKC in this…

The Blue Picardy Spaniel

Blue Picardy Spaniel

The Blue Picardy Spaniel is descended from French Spaniels crossed with blue belton English Setters and Gordon Setters. In his home country of France, a club was formed in 1921 which also included his cousin the Picardy Spaniel. While heavily…