

The Istrian Shorthaired Hound

Istrian Shorthaired Hound

Originally from Croatia, the Istrian Shorthaired Hound was bred to hunt both fox and hare. This old scenthound breed is at least 100 years old (probably much more) and highly regarded as an excellent hunting dog. As might be surmised,…

The Treeing Feist

Treeing Feist

Treeing Feists are small terrier-type dogs bred for hunting squirrel, vermin and other small game (and barking repetitively once the game has been treed). Feists in general were created in the southern regions of America by crossing hunting hounds with…

The Podenco Maneto

Podenco Maneto

The Podenco Maneto is a Spanish hound, a rare breed derived from the (also rare) Andalusian Hound. They are not recognized by the FCI although they are recognized in their home country of Spain. One of the many breeds in…

The Billy


The Billy is a French breed, originating in the 19th century. This is a pack-hunting scenthound which was used on deer and wild boar – a job which they still do today. All of the breeds originally used to create…

The Stepnaya Borzaya

Stepnaya Borzaya

The Stepnaya Borzaya (AKA the South Russian Steppe Hound) is a sighthound that first appeared in the steppe regions of Russia. Related to the Hortaya Borzaya as well as the Tazi, this old breed is not well known in most…

The Karst Shepherd Dog

Karst Shepherd

The Karst Shepherd Dog is an ancient molosser-type breed – at one time the same breed as the Sarplaninac until the two were separated in 1968. Hailing from Slovenia, they were originally used as Livestock Guardians. Today they are recognized…

The Hortaya Borzaya

Hortaya Borzaya

The Hortaya Borzaya is a very rare sighthound developed in Russia and the Ukraine and was at one point even owned by nobility. The breed is sometimes referred to as the Chortai. Extremely rare outside of Russia, although exhibited occasionally…

The Ariegeois


The Ariegeois is a scenthound developed in 1912 and primarily used to hunt hare in the rocky French region of Ariege. He would drive the game towards the hunters, or would course and chase the game down himself. He was…

The Mi-Ki


The Mi-Ki has a lovable and cheery disposition along with a spirited zest for life!  Nicknamed the “sweetheart of toy breeds”, he will demonstrate his love toward his owner frequently, as well as welcoming new friends into his life. His…

The Saarlooswolfdog


The Saarlooswolfdog hails from the Netherlands and was created in the 1930’s by crossing a German Shepherd with a Eurasian Grey Wolf, and then developing the resulting offspring into a breed over time. Some of the dogs were used as…