

The Serbian Hound

Serbian Hound

The Serbian Hound, originally known as the Balkan Scenthound, is an ancient hunting hound breed. Like many of the scenthounds to which he is related, this is a medium-sized breed with a smooth yet dense coat and hanging ears. The…

The Barrocal Algarvio

Barrocal Algarvio

The Barrocal Algarvio is a very rare breed, not recognized by the FCI although they are acknowledged by the Portuguese Kennel Club. It is an ancient breed that developed as a hunter in inhospitable terrain, and is therefore hardy, agile…

The Halden Hound

Halden Hound

The Halden Hound, also known as the Haldenstovare, is a Norwegian breed named after the town of Halden in which they were developed. This scenthound is a medium sized dog originally used for hunting hare. Haldens are affectionate, athletic, and…

The Rampur Hound

Rampur Hound

The Rampur Hound is an Indian sighthound, sometimes called the Rampur Greyhound. He originated about 300 years ago and was used to hunt large animals – many of them quite dangerous such as the lion, tiger and other big cats,…

The German Hound

German Hound

The German Hound is a medium-sized scenthound. Always tricolored and possessing a thick yet smooth coat, he is considered an ancestor to all drop-eared hunting hounds. The breed is affectionate, sensitive to his owners’ emotions and fairly quiet when inside…

The Kangal Dog

Kangal Dog

The Kangal Dog is an ancient breed of Livestock Guardian Dog from Turkey. It shares a close relationship to several other breeds (some people even argue it is the same breed as the Anatolian Shepherd) however in Turkey, the Kangal…

The Basset Bleu de Gascogne

Basset Bleu de Gascogne

The Basset Bleu de Gascogne is descended from the Grand Bleu de Gascogne – both are ancient breeds in their own right. Characterized by his “blue” coat, short legs and long back, he is a scenthound that almost went extinct…

The Akbash Dog

Akbash Dog

The Akbash Dog is an ancient Livestock Guardian Dog from Turkey, and was named by the USDA in the 80’s as one of the best predator control dogs for livestock. In addition to their superior watchdog skills, they also tend…

The Mudhol Hound

Mudhol Hound

The Mudhol Hound is an ancient sighthound from India, occasionally lumped together as one breed with both the Caravan Hound and the Pashmi – although many experts assert that the breeds are separate from each other. The origins of the…

The Maremma Sheepdog

Maremma Sheepdog

The Maremma Sheepdog is an Italian Livestock Guardian Dog, bred for watching over sheep both in mountainous and flat terrain. He would stay with the flock all day and night, keeping watch of predators both two and four legged. This…