

The Podenco Valenciano

Podenco Valenciano

The Podenco Valenciano, or Xarnego Valenciano, is a hunting dog that was newly recognized by the Royal Canine Society of Spain. Classified as a primitive hunting hound by some and a sighthound by others (although they hunt using eyesight, hearing…

The Patterdale Terrier

Patterdale Terrier

The Patterdale Terrier is a courageous working terrier breed, known for it’s intensity and passion when hunting. He hails from England and was created about a hundred years ago, mainly being derived from the Fell Terrier. He loves to work…

The Griffon Fauve de Bretagne

Griffon Fauve de Bretagne

The Griffon Fauve de Bretagne was created in the 13th century. As might be surmised from his name, he is related to the Basset Fauve although is a bigger dog with longer legs. He is one of the oldest French…

The Mountain Feist

Mountain Feist

The Mountain Feist is a squirrel-hunting dog, bred almost entirely for performance rather than appearance. While some also hunt other small game such as racoon, rabbit or birds, their specialty is squirrel. Feists, as a group, were bred from hounds…

The French White and Black Hound

Chien Francais Blanc et Noir

The French White and Black Hound is a scenthound used for hunting large game in packs. Known for his loud voice (which he uses with frequency) and his tireless energy, he does not make the best pet for just anyone.…

The Cretan Hound

Cretan Hound

The Cretan Hound is a Greek breed, also sometimes referred to as the Kritikos Lagonikos. It is considered by some to be the oldest European dog breed! A very rare dog, he is recognized only in his home country of…

The Sporting Lucas Terrier

Sporting Lucas Terrier

The Sporting Lucas Terrier is a somewhat modern breed although not a “designer dog” by any means. Starting around the end of World War 1, the Sealyham Terrier was crossed with the Norfolk Terrier in order to keep the breed…

The Medium-Sized Anglo-French Hound

Anglo Francais de Petite Venerie

The Medium-Sized Anglo-French Hound was developed in 16th century France to hunt small game such as hare and fox. This scenthound is the result of crossing various French hound breeds with English hounds. He is considered a French breed himself…

The Tazy


The Tazy is a sighthound that, while similar to the Saluki, is a separate and distinct breed according to some. One of the oldest breeds in the world, they have been used for hunting wolves, rabbits and fox in Kazakhstan.…