

The Chippiparai


The Chippiparai is an Indian sighthound breed, once upon a time kept by royalty. Rumored to be a descendant of the Saluki, they share the same long-legged, thin-framed build. Despite their frail appearance however, the breed is actually fairly hardy,…

The Serbian Tricolor Hound

Serbian Tricolor Hound

The Serbian Tricolor Hound was originally the same breed as the Serbian Hound, but split off and was considered it’s own separate breed in 1946. The standards are very similar except for the color. This is a medium sized scenthound…

The Majorca Shepherd Dog

Majorca Shepherd Dog

The Majorca Shepherd Dog originated in Spain, and is also known as the Ca de Bestiar or Perro de Pastor Mallorquin. He was used as an all-purpose farm dog with a specialization in guarding livestock, although he was also used…

The Black Mouth Cur

Black Mouth Cur

The Black Mouth Cur has an undetermined history, however it is known that they were bred as all-purpose dogs by early American settlers. They were primarily used for hunting as well as guarding, but have also been adept at tracking…

The Ratonero Valenciano

Ratonero Valenciano

The Ratonero Valenciano is a rare breed seeking formal FCI recognition. Recognized by the Royal Canine Society of Spain, and with an active club in that country, they are well on their way. This little terrier was created to dispatch…

The Volpino Italiano

Volpino Italiano

The Volpino Italiano is an ancient breed from Italy. At one point they almost went extinct due to lack of interest but were then saved in the 1960’s. The word volpino means “little fox”, so essentially the breed name means…

The Westphalian Dachsbracke

Westphalian Dachsbracke

The Westphalian Dachsbracke is the short-legged cousin of the German Hound and most likely a direct descendant of the Dachshund as well. The German translation for the name of this small breed is “short-legged badger scenthound”, and he was (and…

The Ratonero Bodeguero Andaluz

Ratonero Bodeguero Andaluz

The Ratonero Bodeguero Andaluz is a terrier derived from Spain. The breed is recognized by Spain’s kennel club, the Real Sociedad Canina de Espana, however is not yet recognized by the larger FCI or anywhere in the United States. This…